Filter for type: time

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b18c2f268>

We have a PRO account. For type: time, the filters in the dropdown is same as for string. Can we have separate filters for time just as in type: date.

Hi @ozay.brm

You shouldn’t get the same filters for a normal text cell and date cell. Please check the image below

and let me know if your filter by condition list looks the same as this one.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,
I was talking about type = time. For date, it is working.

Oh, yes. Sorry.

Yes, unfortunately, there is no way to show different filters for time cell type. However, it is a great idea to differ the option for this cell type. I will mark this issue as a feature request.

Thank you for sharing this idea.

Welcome :slight_smile:
It will be great if this feature gets implemented soon as it is part of our project.
Thank You