FilterMenu Value does not work with Modal

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc65689530>

I am using a handsOnTable with a modal view. I was able to bring the filterMenu into view by changing the z-index of a few classes. I can click and select an actual filter, but i cannot figure out how to get the ability to type an actual value. For example Filter Condition: Greater Than, Value: 150. I cannot focus or click into the value to actually change it to 150 or any value for that matter.

Hi @joseph

Can you please send a code example that shows the issue? Generally, the way of doing that is as you described it, but maybe there is some other issue.

Has the issue been resolved yet, I have the same issue with the Dialog from MUI where the Filter By Value textfield as well as Filter By Condition TextField cannot be accessed at all

Hi @ramudarna007_handson

We didn’t get any example from the first user reporting this so we weren’t able to investigate it. If you can provide a code demo then we can check how this can be solved.

Hi @ramudarna007_handson @joseph

This thread has been inactive for an extended period, so I’m closing it. If you’re still experiencing the issue or need further assistance, feel free to create a new thread.

Thanks for understanding.