[GH #10017] Copy from Handsontable into Excel

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc654638a0> #<Tag:0x00007efc65463760>

I am trying to copy few row and columns from Handsontable and pasting directly to Excel.

I can visually see that the text is copied correctly with column and rows but when I try to find anything in Excel with (Ctrl+F) it does not selects the cell as the space in between 2 words act as some special character.

When I manually removed the space between two words and add space manually it gives the correct cell.

Can anyone please understand this condition?

Hi @sam

I think this is the same issue as described here: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/10017

The good news is that we will work on it soon and should be fixed with the next release.

Hi @adrian.szymanski,

Thanks for the reply.

Is there any alternate solution for the issue until the fix ?

Hi @sam

We are not aware of any workaround for this at the moment. It shouldn’t be long until we will release the fix.