[GH #5019] Nested rows, dropdown inot closing ssue

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6570a478> #<Tag:0x00007efc6570a2c0>

when the dropdown is clicked it doesnt closes,

Thank you for sharing this issue. I have reported it on our Github issue board at https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/5019

could it be done a bit faster because we just bought the pro version of handsontable for production and it needs to be usable as soon as possible

I have asked our CTO to schedule this task for another release. I should be able to get his reply to the end of this week. I know that we already have a long list of tasks waiting so I cannot promise anything now.

Sorry, it looks like it’s too late to schedule it for the next release as we’ve already closed the list.

when will it be most probably fixed?

I will try to schedule it for another milestone.

Please track our ZenHub board for updates.

Is there update on the fix?

Sorry @monster_bishal

I do not have any updated on this issue

Is it fixed now?

Hi @monster_bishal

I am sorry but nestedRows is not our priority for Q3.