[GH #5070] Fixed row bottom + Summary + fixed columns left

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i’m currently testing Handsontable, but i’m faceing some difficalty to achive my design here. Can you please provide an example how the following use case should be impleneted.
I like to have columnSummary in the bottom row, and also set left columns to be fixed. Now if i scroll to the right the bottom row douesn’t scroll. As a result the total values are not correctly shown.
I’m expecting that the bottom row doesn’t scroll vertically, but can scroll horisontally.

Thank you

Hi @yuliyan.fasev

Here http://jsfiddle.net/ezLre4du/ I have a similar example. It is surely a bug.

I have reported it at https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/5070

It is a regression bug. It works fine in one version before 1.18.1. If you can downgrade please do it until we will be able to push a solid fix.

I will update you on everything as soon as we commit new changes.

Hi Aleksandra,

thank you for the answer. There is another issue that is related with this. The scrolling in version 1.18.1 work with, at least with Chrome and Opera fine. What i experienced in 2.0.0 and 1.18.1 is that the IE 11 refuses to scroll at all, in both directions, and the fixed bottom row occurs a little bit displaced, and covers the line between the two upper rows. There is no js error in the page. In Edge and Firefox vertical scroll works with different speed between fixed and unfixed columns.As result the table rows, in the section with fixed columns and the other columns, are not in one line as normal. They stay displaced after scroll stops.

Best regards

Hi Aleksandra,

i have few questions

  1. if i define fixedRowsBottom: 1 and there is no large data set, the fixed row appears twice. Is there a way to avoid that?
    Jast take your example http://jsfiddle.net/ezLre4du/ and remove the most of the data.
  2. is there a way to exclude the bottom fixed row from being filtered? In my case is this the summary row.

Best regards

Hi @yuliyan.fasev1

I could recommend updating the height of the container accordingly to the number of rows in the table. Currently it is an only way to have these rows visible attached to the table.

Unfortunately all rows are visible in the filters.

Hi @yuliyan.fasev @yuliyan.fasev1

the issue that we’ve discussed has been fixed in v 5.0.1. Please update and let me know if it works for you as well