[GH #6275] Copy with control and command key is missing rows

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51bf1ccdd0>

Hello. I’ve got some copy/paste functionality working but found an edge case that is giving unexpected results.

Steps to reproduce:
Go to copy paste tutorial and select A1. Then pressing the control key (or command with a mac) and select A2 then copy with a hot key (command S or windows equivalent) copy the areas.

Then select D1 and paste. Only A2 will paste.

Thank you for sharing the issue, Sean.

You’re right. The A1 is missing. I’ve replicated the issue on Chrome 77/ Windows 10.

I do not see any similiar issues on Github. I’ll check it out and update you.

I have reported the issue on our Github board https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/6275 and will update you as soon as we get it fixed.