[GH #6879] Nested Headers and hiddenColumns

I am having problems with Nested Headers appearing incorrectly after hiddenColumns is applied.
I have prepared a jsfiddle showing what I mean.
Is there a way around this problem?



Hi Stuart,

This issue has been reported here on our official Github board https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/6879 and it is partially fixed for another stage of development. I am not able to tell when it will be fixed but I will surely let you know once it happens.

Hi @srichardson

I just wanted to let you know that we have just released Handsontable v8.4.0 that fixes this issue (reported at https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/6879)

Here’s a full list of changes for the version https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/7998

If you’d have any questions please feel free to send me an email at support@handsontable.com