Hello everyone…
I’m using Hyperformula with 2 Hot instances using Vlookups between the instances,… the formula syntaxs works on the loadData of the Hots, but as new rows are inserted into any of the Hots I created a routine to refresh/reset the references of the Vlookup formulas inside the Hots to reflect the new lookup range but is not working using the following:
using this method results on the Hot showing the formula as text and altering the untouched rows/cols existing formulas to text as well;
HyperformulaCommonInstance.setCellContent({row:0, col: 5, sheet: 0}, ‘’=Vlookup(B5,Sheet1!A1:B20,2,“False”)’’);
HyperformulaCommonInstance.setCellContent({row:0, col: 5, sheet: ‘Sheet1’}, ‘’=Vlookup(B5,Sheet1!A1:B20,2,“False”)’’);
using these methods does not seem to be doing any action on the Hots.
What is the correct method to update/refresh the references of formulas programmatically ?