[GH10773] Regarding the issue with the Chinese input method

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc656a4b50> #<Tag:0x00007efc656a4a10>

Hello Handsontable Team,

I have encountered an issue while editing cell content. The steps to reproduce the problem are as follows:

  1. Select a cell by clicking on it.
  2. Switch the input method to Chinese (using Sogou Pinyin input method).
  3. Enter the Pinyin.

At this point, Handsontable ignores the first letter typed, causing incorrect input. For example, if I input “zhang,” the final result is “z’hang.”

Hi @yaopeng1

Did you check the latest version of Handsontable v14.4.0? We had a similar issue fixed. If so, please tell me, does the issue occur on all of the browsers and systems?

I tried upgrading to the latest version, but the issue still persists.

I have been facing the exact same issue, I came looking here for a solution and I did what you (@aleksandra_budnik ) mentioned, upgrading to 14.4 (from 14.3)
However, the issue still remains unresolved. I have a video, but it cannot be uploaded here so please make do with the image attached.
In my case, the language used is Japanese.


Thank you both @param556 and @yaopeng1 I will test it further with our QA and update you with any findings.

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Hey @param556 @yaopeng1

I also recommend checking the subject at https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/10773#issuecomment-2182383219 where we got feedback from other users

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Thanks a lot! I will keep myself updated in that conversation