HandsOnTable and dropdownMenu both doubled

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc60731000>

I’m using HT 1.4.0 Pro (now, but this was true for earlier versions also). Structurally, I have this js at the tail end of the body element, after the container div. It’s also wrapped in a jQuery $(document).ready() call.

So when the page renders, (I have up to several hundred rows for the columns below) I get two copies of a HandsonTable, which is to say if I scroll to the bottom I see another instance of the table header row and another complete table.

Worse, the filtering dropdownMenus are unusable as they’re also doubled, eg:

Below is most of the code. I turned off the custom renderers and the problem persists, so I have not included the rendering code.
EDIT data is being rendered from a Python Flask app so the {{ data }} syntax is actually yielding an array of objects.

var data = {{ data }};
                var container = document.getElementById("jqxgrid");
                var htable = new Handsontable(container, {
                    //data: data,
                    rowHeaders: true,
                    filters: true,
                    renderAllRows: true,
                    columns: [
                                { data: 'studyID'},
                                { data: 'subjid'},
                                { data: 'screeningID'},
                                { data: 'accession', type: 'text'},
                                { data: 'visit'},
                                { data: 'assayDate'}, //renderer: dateRenderer},
                                { data: 'inventoryDate'},// renderer: dateRenderer},
                                { data: 'countsByAssay'},// renderer: countRenderer},
                                { data: 'inventoryErrors'}, //renderer: errorRenderer},
                                { data: 'vendorErrors'},
                                { data: 'filePaths'}//, renderer: pathRenderer}
                    colHeaders: [
                                'Study ID',
                                'Screening ID',
                                'Assay Date',
                                'Inventory Date',
                                'Counts by Assay',
                                'Inventory Errors',
                                'Vendor Errors',
                    columnSorting: true,
                    sortIndicator: true,
                    autoWrapRow: true,
                    dropdownMenu: true
                    //fixedColumnsLeft: 4,
                    //dropdownMenu: ['filter_by_condition', 'filter_action_bar'],


                var expButton = document.getElementById('excelExport');
                var expPlugin = htable.getPlugin('exportFile');
                expButton.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){
                    expPlugin.downloadFile('csv', {filename: '{{study_id}}' });


Please share a demo (for example in the JSFiddle) where this issue can be replicable. If you’re using jQuery you can use this example as a base: http://jsfiddle.net/gmw9rop9/

Close it! It’s not a HandsOnTable issue specifically. It was actually a block error in a Flask template that caused HoT to initialize twice in the same DOM element. (This doesn’t work, btw :slight_smile: )

Oh ok! Thanks for an update.

Keep my fingers crossed for your project :slight_smile: