Handsontable's CSS affects basic HTML tags

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2b1eadf8>

It affects Markdown rendering to HTML. I am having issues in

I can try to fix it with negative margins for <p>, but I feel that is a very unnatural thing to do…

Welcome @patarapolw

can you share a demo where I will be able to test the example?


Thank you very much for the demo.

At the first glance it looks as expected. Please let me know what should I focus on?

The paragraphs and bullet points look exceedingly talll.

BTW, I have just fixed it with

.cell-wrapper * {
  line-height: initial;
  margin-block-start: initial;
  margin-block-end: initial;


You can work with line-height for the points. Here is an example https://jsfiddle.net/gu75z846/