Has no default export

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2b0fe840>

Hello ,

I’am using HandsonTable 3.0.0 with angular 7 and it works fine.
but when i upgraded HandsonTable to 5.1.1 i am getting this message :

ERROR in node_modules/@handsontable/angular/lib/hot-column.component.d.ts(3,8): error TS1192: Module ‘“C:/projets/workspace/ASTERIA/asteria-ui/src/main/ui/node_modules/handsontable/handsontable”’ has no default export.

is that a problem with compatility with typescript 3.1.6 ? should i upgrade to angular 8 too ?

Hi @cs_chenna

Here’s https://jsfiddle.net/AMBudnik/24pkn3hr/3/ an example that uses Angular with Handsontable for Angular 5.1.1 which works well. Would you be able to reload the resources in that JSFiddle in a way that they reflect your settings?

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Hi @aleksandra_budnik

here’s the line that cause the problem

import * as Handsontable from 'handsontable';

it’s an internal problem in HanbdsonTable ,

Thanks a lot.

@cs_chenna JSFiddle and CodeSandbox are using different resource managing systems. Here’s a demo in CodeSandbox https://codesandbox.io/s/setdataatcell-settimeout-external-call-in-angular-7t7ok You can use it to share any code for our future conversation.