HOT in HOT should show data from a hidden cell

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51bfb746a8>

One hidden column contains array of key-value paiirs. How can I show this mini table in other column cell of same row?

  Columns: [{
        data: 'id'  // hidden
        { data: 'errors' }, // hidden, this is array of objects
        data: 'createDate', width: 120, readOnly: true
    },  {
        data: 'vknr', width: 80, readOnly: true
    }, {
        data: 'fehleranzahl', type: 'handsontable', width: 320,
        handsontable: {
            colHeaders: ['Zeile', 'Spalte', 'Ist-Wert', 'Fehlertext'],
            autoColumnSize: true,
            data : /* here e ref to data from col named 'errors' */

I think this is the standard use case therefore too simple…

I see never a log output in getValue method. ;.(

Here my data:
Plan is to display the errors of a row in a sub hot. In the screenshot I have realized staic data

PS: On page
is an iisue: after getValue is ‘: function’ missing

Now I found nestedRows are the better solution! This framework is great!

That is so nice! I’m more than happy to read such a comment after a long week of work :slight_smile: Thank you, @Knoeterich