How can I display data returned in array object?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b19fe1428>

I have a data stucture such as the following:

data: [
“field_1”: “Patrick”,
“field_2”: “Summers”,
“field_23_options”: [
“id”: “blue”,
“label”: “blue”
“id”: “purple”,
“label”: “purple”
“id”: “reddish”,
“label”: “reddish”

For the grid, what I want to do for “field_23_options”, is to display the array of results in a concatendate string or ulimately shown as separate tags within the cell. How would I do that?

Yes you can. Please go through the below documentation.

We support an array of object and an array of arrays. Everything that has more levels of nesting than that might display in the table but won’t be processed well within all the plugins and CRUD operations.