How can i maintain interactive style when fixed some column

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc71a36078>

Hello Team, I defined such interaction by myself when using handsontable.

I inserted tFoot dom into ‘.ht_master .htCore’ to achieve such an interaction.

But the problem arises when I pin a certain column.It will overwrite the added element and mess up the interaction.for example:

I have tried many ways to solve this problem, but to no i want to ask you how i should do it, thanks a lot.

Hi @228233464

We would need a simplified code demo to see what’s exactly going on here.

Hello,This link reflects the

when i set fixedColumnsLeft to 0,he is normal.

Thank you,i’m Looking forward to your reply.

Hi @228233464

Can you please elaborate more on what is the exact issue here? I don’t quite understand the problem.

The only thing I can see is that you ADD button is hiding under the new rows, but that can be solved by setting the height of the table to 100vh.

Hello,in this link My button is not normal to display.

When there is no frozen column in the table, it is the same as my expected column. like, The only difference between them is fixedColumnsLeft.

Hi @228233464

It looks like you would need a custom solution here. Please let me know about your current support plan and send me your license ID at