How to get “nestingbutton” in nestedrow without set rowheaders=true? I dont wanna have a column (1,2,3,4,…), i want nestingbutton close and open children row will be in first cell of parents instead of in a column of header (1,2,3,4,…)?
How to get "nesting button" in nestedrow without set rowheaders=true?
Hi @doanak000
rowHeaders option have to be set in order to get nestedRows working. Here’s a workaround on how you can have just the nesting buttons.
EDIT: I updated the demo with rowHeaderWidth option so it looks better now.
Let me know if that helps.
Ok thanks, then…my button is always - instead of +/-. can you tell me why?
Hi @doanak000
Do you mean, in your local project? Can you send a demo with your exact settings so I can see what’s going on there?
tks my bro , i have done this issue
Great to hear, I’m closing the topic.