How to hide hidden indicator for some of the column

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b23d636b0>


I have hidden one column which is containing primary key data. I am using hiddenColumns option to show /hide other also.

As I have used indicators: true. It is showing indicator for that primary column also which I dont want.

Is there any possibility to hide indicator for some of the column.


You can use

hiddenColumns: {
   //columns to hide
  columns: [3, 5, 9],
  indicators: false

documentation link:

Actually only for first column I dont want to show indicator…for other column i want to show.

In the documentation I couldn’t see there is an option to do this. Wait for @aleksandra_budnik’s reply.


@aashayamballi is true, there is no option to show indicator only for a single column. It shows the arrows for all the hidden columns equally.

What you can do is use colWidths and pass 1px width for the column like here
It is still in the data but a user cannot see it.
One disadventage is when user select a whole row and copy it, it will copy the first column as wel. You will need to mark it as readOnly and possibly use skipColumnOnPaste

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Actually when we are collapsing column also this hidden indicator is coming. So is there any possibility when we collapse then indicator should not come…It should come only when we hide using hide context menu.

Sorry but we do not have an ability like that now.