If I visit a page with HOT and it had approx. 400 rows and when I want to go to another page - it takes like 30 secs for the current page to unload and the new page to load. What is causing the issue?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64e48290>

Page 1 - HOT with 50 rows -> Click on Page 2 link - this loads fast.

Page 2 - HOT with approx. 400 rows -> Click on Page 3 link - this takes more than 30 secs. Does the page with HOT of 400 rows take a long time to unload? Or Chrome resources are all used up? It is a hot with approx. 20 cols and 400 rows.

Hi @hdittakavi

Please create a demo where I will be able to replicate the same issue.

You can share only your Handsontable settings with a false data.

Hi @hdittakavi

I am just checking by to ask if you have managed to create a demo or investigate the issue as there is no activity since the beginning of July.