Issue coming in freeze columns [PRO]

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b25d44268>

We have enabled column freeze feature the way it is mentioned in the documentation. But, we are observing a strange behaviour. It is freezing a different column than the column which we are trying to freeze. e.g.

Say this is the custom columns list -

Columns = [SNo, Name, Age, Father, Mother, Employer, Skill1, Skill2, Skill3, Skill4, Skill5]
If I click freeze on column Employer, the column with title SNo gets frozen.

It is not taking into account which column I am trying to freeze, if I click freeze columns 3 times, it will freeze columns starting from left SNo, Name, Age. Similarly, I have to call unfreeze 3 times to get the columns unfreezed and the order will be Age, Name and SNo.

Please confirm if this is a bug or the current behaviour.


Hi @panky_tiwari does it sound like this issue ?

If not please share with be a demo code where we can reproduce this behavior.