Issue with CustomValidator after sorting

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b184ad418>

I have created a custom validator for set a rule that the start value <= end value.
But after I sort the table, the value taken for comparison is wrong (old value before sorting). See this jsfiddle

Am I missing anything ? or is this a known issue with handsontable ?

Hi @deepakshield

It looks like the same issue happens for v.2.0.0 (latest). I will check that and let you know my thoughts.

It looks like the startValue uses visual indexes.

I believe that you’d like to use the physical indexes for this example. You can get an access to physical indexes via toPhysicalRow. You can check it here

I have tried the toPhysicalRow, but it seems like I am getting wrong physical row. For example, after I sort based on last name, the first row moves to second position. So here I am getting row number as 0 which is correct but the physical row is 4 (expected 1)

Hi @deepakshield

You’re right. I’ve changed the demo a little bit

but the last step is wrong.

We shouldn’t get physicalRows: 4. The physical row is 0.
It looks like this issue is related to this one

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

Thank you for resolving the issue…

I am happy to help