Latest news on "formulas" release date?

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In After Loading format currency you wrote:

[New formula-parser] Our dead-line is ‘till the end of July’ and we do not set a precise date yet as the most important thing is not to make it but to make it work.

Do you have an updated release date for the formulas-rewrite?

The reason I ask is that I cannot release my own software until Hot has (reliable/robust!) formula support…!

Hi @jon
that is right - the work has been rescheduled. I was told that the first stage of formulas will be ready in the beginning of September. However with the current level of work I do not really want to ensure you in any date.

I understand that this may be really frustrating when you only wait for this one thing to be added. I can guarantee that our best developers are working on this project day by day.

How you can track the project:
I think that the best way to track the progress would be by checking updates to the formula-parser repository. It’s available at:
Currently we are making tests and checking how does it work with the undo/redo.

You can also track the profile of budnix - here’s a head developer of the formula project.