Lazy evaluation

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1dc94b68>

Hello. I am using the experimental “formulas” feature. I want to know if the handsontable follows lazy evaluation scheme for changing the value in other cells while there is a change in the referenced data cells.

Also can I boost the performance, or perhaps use this feature in a better way by turning " viewportRowRenderingOffset" and/or " viewportColumnRenderingOffset" off? Does these enable or disable lazy evaluation scheme in some way.

Thanks a lot.

Hi @dbaheti



are describing number of rows and columns to be rendered. By default (if you do not set them) table renders everything in the viewport + a couple or rows and columns more for a smooth scrolling experience.

You need to know that rendered cells, even when you scroll are not removed from the DOM tree, and once you edit/change a single cell all the cells are rerendered.

If you experience some lagging I propose to experiment with the numbers, but also try to set

  • colWidths, rowHeights
  • push some logic to updateSettings()
  • set fixed height and width for the table