Maintaining data in grid after setState()?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6109c478>

I am working on POC and recently ran into an issue on loading data after setting state in a grid event.

Previously when I clicked to load a table, in the function it would re-load all table settings, which also included the data loaded. I have some events on the grid, like AfterCellMouseDown where I update the state.

I recently changed this so that the table settings are initialzed once when loading the table…and then I use the loadData() method to add data to the table. This worked.

However, when I click in a cell (which does a setState()), the data from the grid disappears. It appears to be only when a setState is called. What is the appropriate method to maintain data in the grid when using loadData() so that I can use the events for processing? I would hate to have to loadData() after each setState() ?

Hey @mhennessy7

here are some related resources

if you need anything more please specify what’s missing.