Manual Column Resize no longer working in 7.1.0

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2b16b760>

I have recently attempted to upgrade from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 however I have had to wind it back due to a critical issue.
The manual column resizing no longer works for us.
It is being positioned in the wrong spot near the top of the page… around 200 pixels higher than it should be.
The calcuated top appears to be in the wrong position.
Looking through the code I can see that there has been a change to the way the handle position is calculated.
I can see by steping through the code that the top value from
var box = this.currentTH.getBoundingClientRect();
is correct… however the code no longer uses the value… instead it now uses a more complicated calculation based off relativeHeaderPosition.

I will keep researching it to see if there is any way I can restructure our page so the new calculation works.


Ok after a bit of research I have worked out the problem. I hadn’t updated the associated handsontable css file.
Now works as expected.

Please ignore.


Glad to see a positive turn around.

If you’d need anything else feel free to open a new topic.