manualRowMove not working when nestedRows is true

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6d847ab8>

Hi Team,
I have 1 issue and one query

  1. I am unable to move row manually when nestedRows is set to true
  2. Custom Renderer is called soo many times even if there is only one row (for example my customNumericRenderer is called 10+ times when there is only 3 cells which is of type numeric during init)

I have created JSFiddle for the same

Please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance

Hi @nihalshetty48

From what I see there might be a problem with your data object configuration concerning nestedRows declaration. Here you can find a demo with properly configured nestedRows, you can try to apply that scheme to your data object, as moving rows manually should work with nestedRows.

As for your second question, that check would require performance review which isn’t included in pre-sale support. If you have a licenseID please let me know at

Hi @adrian.szymanski
The example which you have shared also doesn’t move parent rows.
only child rows can be moved. Is it a limitation that only child rows can be moved?

I was expecting to move parent row so that child row will also move with it


Hi @nihalshetty48

Unfortunately you can’t move parent rows. It’s been reported as a feature suggestion, so you can track it here so you will now when we will start working on it.