Missing sortIndicator (PRO)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f136d9f42f0>


When I set the ordering of a column when initializing the table, it doesn’t put the sorting icon on the column header.
Example here: http://jsfiddle.net/2okuq1zd/



Hi Gabor,

when you use (not only in PRO) a ‘column’ settings for ‘columnSorting’ you won’t get an indicator. It displays when a user has changed the sorting by a header click.

I can write down this issue as a feature request to add an option where indicator will or won’t be displayed for a ‘column’ settings.


What if I put the sorting info into a cookie and then later load the table again then it’s still a “user sorting” but the column header won’t show that.


You’re right, when persistentState is on indicator could be visible.
I’ll leave this subject to be discussed by other team members.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @gabor.nagy, this bug was fixed in Handsontable 0.23.0, looking into your demo I see that it’s working now :slightly_smiling: