Navigation with hidden columns and merged cells

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f136df3ce38>

Continuing the discussion from Navigation with hidden columns and rows and mergeCells:

A fiddle that is supposed to show that navigation with merged cells and hidden rows is fixed, demonstrates a similar issue.

As you can see here: - when navigating with the use of left/right keys on the keyboard from the very beginning of the row (for example, the third) to the very end of it, cells of hidden columns are available for selection. Consider, for example, navigation with the use of keyboard between C and G columns - selection rectangle’s stuck, trying to select hidden cells.

You’re right @alex.erin.94

we get a weird behavior of a border-visible selection when we try to select an invisible cell. That is surely a bug. It has been reported somewhere on Github. I will look for it and attach the reference here.

I wasn’t able to find this issue so I’ve created two new issues that related to the same settings

I will let you know as soon as they’re fixed.

Thanks, waiting for the issues to be resolved :slight_smile:

Hi @alex.erin.94

We just fixed an issue related to in 8.0.0-beta2

Here’s a full list of changes


All feedback’s appreciated. Thank you for your input.

This issue was solved in v.8.0.0.