Numeric Type Breaks Table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc60641e10> #<Tag:0x00007efc60641cd0>


Trying out Handsontable and everything works fine except when I define a column as type: ‘numeric’. It breaks the table. My array shows “visit_no” to be in number format. Table displays if I change to “text” but then no sorting is available. Screenshot of console error and array in number format:


Download CSV

<div id="table_supplypal_liq"></div>


var table_rest = ‘/supplypal-liquor-table’;



tabledata.forEach((x)=>{ x.visit_no=Number(x.visit_no) });

const container = document.querySelector(’#table_supplypal_liq’);

const hot = new Handsontable(container, {

className: ‘custom-table’,
colHeaders: [‘Outlet’, ‘Changed’, ‘Last Visit’, ‘Visits’, ‘Type’, ‘Licence No’, ‘Licence Issued’, ‘Front’,
‘Province’, ‘Suburb’, ‘Street’, ‘Street No’, ‘Location’,
‘Owner Name’, ‘Owner Surname’, ‘Gender’, ‘Mobile’, ‘Email’, ‘Manage’,
‘Look & Feel’, ‘Counter’, ‘Seating’, ‘Highlight’,
‘Ave Monthly Sales’, ‘Ave Customer Spend’, ‘Products’, ‘Most Stock From’, ‘Leading Brand’, ‘Reps’, ‘Employees’,
‘Size’, ‘Fridges’, ‘Capacity’, ‘TV’, ‘Card Machines’, ‘CCTV’, ‘WiFi’, ‘Pool Tables’, ‘Food’,
‘Typical Age’, ‘Typical Status’, ‘Male’, ‘Female’, ‘Typical Activities’


columns: [{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘outlet’ },{ type: ‘date’, readOnly: true, data: ‘changed’, header: ‘Date’, dateFormat: ‘YYYY/MM/DD’ },{type: ‘date’, readOnly: true, data: ‘visit_date’, dateFormat: ‘YYYY/MM/DD’ },{data:‘visit_no’, type: ‘numeric’ },{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘licence_type’ },{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘licence_number’ },{type: ‘date’, readOnly: true, data: ‘licence_issue’, dateFormat: ‘YYYY/MM/DD’ },{ renderer: ‘html’, readOnly: true, data: ‘front_pic’},

{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘province’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘suburb’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘street’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘street_no’},{renderer: ‘html’, readOnly: true, data: ‘location’},

{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘name’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘surname’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘gender’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘mobile’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘email’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘management’},

{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘feel’},{ renderer: ‘html’, readOnly: true, data: ‘counter’},{ renderer: ‘html’, readOnly: true, data: ‘drinking’},{ renderer: ‘html’, readOnly: true, data: ‘representative’},

{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘monthly_sales’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘customer_spend’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘products’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘stock_from’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘leading_brand’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘sales_reps’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘number_employees’},

{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘outlet_size’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘fridges’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘capacity’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘tv_screens’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘card_machines’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘cctv’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘wifi’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘pool_tables’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘food’},

{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘age’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘status’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘male’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘female’},{type: ‘text’, readOnly: true, data: ‘activities’},

className: ‘htMiddle’,
height: ‘500px’,
rowHeaders: false,
autoWrapRow: true,
autoWrapCol: true,
colWidths: [200, 100, 100, 80, 120, 100, 80,100,
100, 100, 80, 120, 150, 100,
120, 100, 100, 100,
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,
130, 80, 100, 80, 100, 80, 80, 100, 80,
120, 100, 80, 80, 100
dropdownMenu: [‘filter_by_value’, ‘filter_by_condition’, ‘filter_action_bar’],
manualColumnMove: true,
filters: true,
columnSorting: true,
columnSorting: {
sortEmptyCells: true,
indicator: true,},
rowHeights: 30,

cells: function(row){
	let cp = {}
  if(row % 2 === 0){ cp.className = ['greyRow','htMiddle']}
  return cp

nestedHeaders: true,
collapsibleColumns: true,

nestedHeaders: [
[{ label: ‘Info’, colspan: 8 },{ label: ‘Location’, colspan: 5 },{ label: ‘Owner’, colspan: 6 }, { label: ‘Look & Feel’, colspan: 4 }, { label: ‘Volume’, colspan: 7 }, { label: ‘Infrastructure’, colspan: 9 }, { label: ‘Customer’, colspan: 5 }],

[‘Outlet’, ‘Changed’, ‘Last Visit’, ‘Visits’, ‘Type’, ‘Licence No’, ‘Licence Issued’, ‘Front’,
‘Province’, ‘Suburb’, ‘Street’, ‘Street No’, ‘Location’,
‘Owner Name’, ‘Owner Surname’, ‘Gender’, ‘Mobile’, ‘Email’, ‘Manage’,
‘Look & Feel’, ‘Counter’, ‘Seating’, ‘Highlight’,
‘Ave Monthly Sales’, ‘Ave Customer Spend’, ‘Products’, ‘Most Stock From’, ‘Leading Brand’, ‘Reps’, ‘Employees’,
‘Size’, ‘Fridges’, ‘Capacity’, ‘TV’, ‘Card Machines’, ‘CCTV’, ‘WiFi’, ‘Pool Tables’, ‘Food’,
‘Typical Age’, ‘Typical Status’, ‘Male’, ‘Female’, ‘Typical Activities’

licenseKey: ‘non-commercial-and-evaluation’, // for non-commercial use only



var data1 = hot.getData();

const exportPlugin = hot.getPlugin(‘exportFile’);
const button = document.querySelector(’#csv_supplypal_liq’);

button.addEventListener(‘click’, () => {
exportPlugin.downloadFile(‘csv’, {
bom: false,
columnDelimiter: ‘,’,
columnHeaders: true,
exportHiddenColumns: true,
exportHiddenRows: true,
fileExtension: ‘csv’,
filename: ‘Data-CSV-file_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]’,
mimeType: ‘text/csv’,
rowDelimiter: ‘\r\n’,
rowHeaders: true,


Hi @desigan.govender

Thank you for contacting us. Can you please send us a code demo created in StackBlitz? It will be easier to investigate it that way.

Hello Adrian, thanks for the reply. I currently have the code combined into a single html file with local resources. Do I have to recreate a working demo or will this link below work?


Hi @desigan.govender

Yes, you can use this template to create an example.

Hello Adrian

I have managed to get the numeric type to work after removing the code for striped rows below:

    cells: function(row){
	let cp = {}
  if(row % 2 === 0){ cp.className = ['greyRow','htMiddle']}
  return cp

Can mark this closed for now until I figure it out.


Hi @desigan.govender

Thank you for the update. I’m glad that you have a solution.