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Hi,this demo is working fine for the first empty row, but if there is any data after an empty row it didn’t meet my requirement. I need to redirect back to empty row after which there should be no data in the coming rows.

I need to redirect back to 17th row instead of 9th Row.

Understandable. I guess that there’s not much ‘Handsontable API’ to convert it to your needs. I would just scan all the rows to get an array of values and compare them to each other.

You can also start with an index of the last row (if it’s more probable in your project to have a few empty rows at the bottom, and plenty of content at the top). That would drop the number of rounds made by the WHILE loop.

I Just need a demo in which when we redirect back to table it should take me to the first empty row after which there must not be any data.

Hi @shaiksazidh

Can you show your current version of the implementation?
So that I could work on it.

It’s 5.0.2

This is some kind of misunderstanding. I’m sorry that I expressed myself vaguely

I asked for your demo. Without it is hard to move on.
Not which the version of Handsontable you use.
So can you show your implementation?

Besides, why you use so old version of the Handsontable? I got it this is how it needs to work, Thanks.

I’m glad to hear that.

Thanks for the information.