Performance issue in Chrome after migration from a React Webapp from version 7.4.2 to 9.0.2

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2b086638>

After migrating our React Web-App from version 7.4.2 to version 9.0.2 the loading performance in Chrome for a dataset of 5322 rows and about 70 columns downgraded to a non acceptable level. It takes about 20 min for the Handsontable-component to render. In Edge and Firefox the same dataset is rendered after 10 sec. Before the migration the rendering time in Chrome also never exceeded 10 sec.
How is this extreme drop in performance possible? Are there any known issues in Chrome?

Hi @benjamin.brauer

Please check if any of those changes within versions may be related to your use of Handsontable

I do not see any reports related to performance for React or Chrome. Besides the subject of state management reported at

We could solve the issue after another review of the migration docs:
Modifying data by reference had to be replaced by the API call to getSourceDataAtRow.

Thank you for the update @benjamin.brauer
I’m glad to hear that you solved the issue.