Protractor testing on HandsOnTable

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b19dc9578>

I am currently trying to test my HandsOnTable data. There are several fields which are editable. The issue is that I am unable to send values into the editable fields of the table.
-Fetching of data is happening correctly.
-sendKeys() and also tried many methods using browser.executeScript().

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Hi @rounak232

If we could look at the code it would be simpler.
Can you share a JS playground demo (JSFiddle, CodePen, StackBlitz)?

I think the issue is with the implementation so currently working on it. If after that still i am unable to do I will create a scenario on stackblitz.
Thank you for replying and help.

Hey @rounak232 how’s the progress?

As there are 2 weeks without a demo I need to close the topic. Feel free to open a new one if needed.