Hello I am using handsontable in a performance team
please can you tell me how to handle time based formatting eg mins:seconds or hh:mm:ss
Hello I am using handsontable in a performance team
please can you tell me how to handle time based formatting eg mins:seconds or hh:mm:ss
Hi @james
We have a time
cell type but I guess that you need to perform some calculations, right? Can you share an i/o data example?
I can see the time cell
Would we be able to do calculations
For example show the last 10 1500m times for an athlete or marathon times
Look at the standard deviation etc ?
Not sure how to handle the fields
That shouldn’t be an issue. You should use the time in any desired format and if you wish to add letters (like seconds = s
) while keeping the time variable as a number you can use a custom renderer that runs like this
td.innerHTML = value + 's'
Have you already started? If you have some demos I’d be happy to take a look.
I think that we can close this topic as there’s no update for 20 days.