Hi! My problem is the following: When a hansontable instance initialized in a hidden container, and after the container become visible, the table stay hidden, because one of the table container has a height: 0.
I was searching any solution, and I found a way: I have to call the handsontable render() method after the container will be visible. This is Ok, but not perfect, 'cause the “.ht_master handsontable > .wtHolder” element still have a style width: 1400px (why even 1400?) and height: 1px.
So, after the calling of the render() method, still I have to set the width and height of “.ht_master handsontable > .wtHolder” to auto.
I would like to ask that is this a bug, or is there any better solution to this problem? I just want to re-initialize or refresh handsontable, but without any change in the settings. What would be the correct way to do this? (Version 6.2.2)