RemoveColumn Grayed out in Context Menu

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f13665efee0>

The option to remove column in the context menu is grayed out. What would cause this?
Version 1.9.1

var dataObject = Model.getJSMetaData;  
var hotElement = document.querySelector('#hot');
var hotElementContainer = hotElement.parentNode;
var hotSettings = {
    data: dataObject,
    columns: [
     data: 'AssetId',
     type: 'numeric',
     width: 60
     data: 'Platform',
     type: 'numeric',
    data: 'AnotherField',
    type: 'text'
    colHeaders: [ 'AssetId','Platform','AnotherField'],
    columnSorting: {
        column: 0
    sortIndicator: true,
    stretchH: 'all',
    width: '100%',
    autoWrapRow: true,
    height: '100%',
    contextMenu: true,
    minSpareRows: 0,
    allowInsertRow: false,
    allowInsertColumn: false,
    //maxRows: 22,
    rowHeaders: true,
    dropdownMenu: true,
    filters: true,
    allowRemoveColumn: true,
    manualColumnResize: true,
    manualRowResize: true,
    readOnly: true,
    multiSelect: false,
    columnSorting: true,
    manualColumnMove: true,
    afterOnCellMouseDown: itemSelected

var hot = new Handsontable(hotElement, hotSettings);

Hi @mmoles

I’ve uploaded your code into a JSFiddle to be able to check it faster:

I’ve replaced the data source dataObject (and commented it from columns settings) as I do not have an access to Model.getJSMetaData;.

So… when it comes to the greyed out remove column option it happens cause you have added the fixed amount of columns via columns options. Here’s a demo where you can test it:

ps. please notice that Handsontable doesn’t support %values, so I have also commented the

width: ‘100%’,
height: ‘100%’,

1 Like

This was the data object. I also noticed i had Platform as the wrong type. I used your first example and swapped a small subset of data and still had the same issue.

var dataObject = [
    	"AssetId": 11134,
    	"Platform": "New",
    	"AnotherField": "RandomVal1",
    	"AssetId": 11135,
    	"Platform": "New",
    	"AnotherField": "RandomVal2",
    	"AssetId": 11136,
    	"Platform": "New",
    	"AnotherField": "RandomVal3",
    	"AssetId": 11137,
    	"Platform": "New",
    	"AnotherField": "RandomVal4",	

OK, so then this is the demo:

Currently, when you have an object data you cannot remove or add columns to the dataset (simplified example You would need to update the columns settings.

Here is how you can add a custom option to the context menu:

To get an active column you can call getSelected() method and use the 2nd parameter.