Scroll to top of cell when selecting large cells

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6bbef6e0>


I am working with data where the length of the text in cells is often so long that the cell height becomes bigger than the table height. I would like that when selecting such cell that the viewport would snap to the top of the cell rather than bottom, so it would be easier to read from beginning to end. You can see the current behaviour from clicking any cell here:

In this case the Lorem ipsum… should be seen straight after selecting the cell. Am I missing something, or is such behaviour possible to achieve?

I have also tried to prevent the original scroll on selection and use scrollToViewport method with scrollToBottom and scrollToRight set as false, but that does not seem to work either as you can see here


Hi @Mikkosk

This is how it works by design so it shouldn’t be exactly considered as a bug but you are correct that in such edge cases like you showed that might be a problem. I suggest you to report it as a feature suggestion on our GitHub page:

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Thanks for the comment! I suspected that this was the case, but wanted to make sure.