Set the value of the cell being edited to the data from the selected cells

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c5dfc0a0>


Sorry if this is a basic problem, my teacher wants to click on the currently editing cell and then hold the Ctrl button, to return the selected cells in that cell.

i tried some hooks but as soon as i click outside the selected cell the selection in the previous cell is gone, i cant add value to it


Hi @hd2218586

Thank you for contacting us. Currently, this functionality isn’t supported by Handosntable.

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thanks for the quick reply, is there any keyword or hook solution that can help me to customize this function?

We haven’t tried create such solution by using hooks, so I can’t guarantee that would work. However, I would try with: afterDocumentKeyDown and getDataAtCell Those two methods are the places where I would try to to that.