In my table, in a row, some fields are logically linked. So when edit one cell, other cells get updated as well. There are quite a lot columns ( > 100) in my table, and when I edit one column, there can be dozens of other columns updated.
I use the afterChange hook and call setDataAtRowProp in it to achieve this. But sometimes the table ‘jumps’ when I edit one cell and auto update other cells. It’s like the table automatically quickly navigate back and forth.
Here is link to reproduce it https://jsfiddle.net/crawlregister/nwxLy6uz/4/
You can reproduce it by randomly edit some cells. Each time horizontally scroll towards to end of the row for dozens of columns, pick a random cell and edit. Repeat a few times you will see that after you finish edit, hit the enter, the table ‘jumps’.
I need to the validation on the cell to be triggered and cell be re-rendered. So I update it by call setDataAtRowProp. Not sure if there is any other option.