Show selected filter criteria values in header tooltip

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b8f59978>


Currently I am using handsontable filtering to filter column values.
I need to show the selected filter values in header/filter icon tooltip. Is there any way to achieve this?


Here the tooltip should show Fox, Richardson’s Cable


Hi @manjushamule7

can you add a draft of the tooltip and the placement of it?

Thanks for reply @aleksandra_budnik.
Similar to below tooltip

I use below dropdown menu option in hot config.
dropdownMenu : ['filter_by_value', 'filter_action_bar']

Hi @manjushamule7

I will investigate the subject and come back to you shortly.

Hi again @manjushamule7

For solving the case I propose to

  1. Create a window and hide it
  2. Use afterOnCellMouseOver hook to show/hide it when ( is the dropdown icon)
  3. the afterFilter hook will give you the filtered values

Thank you @aleksandra_budnik.
I’ll try your proposed approach and let you know.
