Sorting on readOnly columns

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51bf1eadf8>


I am wondering if anyone has experienced issues with sorting when the column is read-only (unable to sort)?

We have set up a grid with about 40 columns and most of them are read-only. Have conducted a few tests and when columns are editable, sorting works fine. However, once it is made read-only, it does not seem to be working.

Thank you for your cooperation

Hi @jumpei.yamauchi
We had some difficulties but in 0.24.0 the case was solved (source:

Here I made an example where all cells are readOnly: and it works as expected.

Can you create a demo where we can replicate the behavior?

Thank you for looking into this,

We downloaded the 30 days trial for the pro version last week. Does that include this fix?

Also noticed that filters on the column does not seem to be working reliably on read-only column. Have there been any issues reported for filter on read-only columns?

If this sorting issue occurs on our side it will also occur in the trial and in the PRO version.

If you could find a moment please create a fiddle where we’ll be able to test this bug.

We just purchased the Pro version and downloaded the version 1.4.1.

I confirmed that the sorting and filtering are working with the version.

Thank you again for your help.

great to hear that @jumpei.yamauchi
Thank you for an update and keep my fingers crossed for your project :slight_smile: