Hello. Im currently using handsontable in conjunction with bootstrap tabs. I have a tab for my main table and another for extra menus and additional options not related to the table. The tab for the table is always initially visible and I get no warnings
I have enabled a fixed height and the option renderAllRows to false to help with performance (I know renderAllRows is set to false by default but just in case)
height: "550px",
renderAllRows: false
My problem is that for larger tables that go higher than a 1000 rows, whenever I switch from the table tab, to the second tab mentioned before, the page temporarily freezes and I get the following error:
Handsontable rendered more than 1000 visible rows. Consider limiting the number of rendered rows by specifying the table height and/or turning off the “renderAllRows” option.
However, like I mentioned before, the renderAllRows option is already set to false as well as having a defined height. Could it be that the tabs cause the table to re-render fully whenever it gets hidden? What could I do to prevent this issue. Thank you for the help!