Table not showing or loading with huge data

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6476a838> #<Tag:0x00007efc6476a6f8>

Here I am adding JSFiddle Example, this is contain huge data with 3 columns. table is not loading fully. some times showing only 3 rows. in case if i mention hot.render in setTimeout that time few rows showing, while scrolling some rows are showing. please help me on this Issue.

JS fiddle Example:

Thank you for sending the demo, @kranthikumar.reddy32

I will consult my colleague and get back to you after the weekend.

Hi @kranthikumar.reddy32

I tried to run the demo three times, in all of the cases JSFiddle was not able to show the example even when we comment out loading data to Handsontable. I think that the issue may lay in the importing mechanism or/and table initialization. Are you able to run this demo that the table initializes? I am using Chrome 114 / macOS Ventura to run the demo.

Hi @kranthikumar.reddy32

Can you update me regarding this case?