The backlight of moving column is different from the older version

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc61a6dda8>

Hello Handsontable Team,

I notice, when the table is empty and the column is dragging, the backlight is different from the older version.

Is this an expect behavior?

HT 9.0.0

HT 3.0.0

The startRows is set to 1 on both cases.

I was trying the jsfiddle, but couldn’t show an empty table with only the column headers.

Thanks so much.

I tried to reproduce that effect for handsontable-pro@3 -
The backlight is in the right place with the right dimensions. Could you fork that fiddle putting missing configuration to reproduce the issue?

Regardlessly, the current behavior (v9.0) is the expected one.

Hi @piotr.laszczkowski

Thanks for quick response.

I assume you mean the effect in the fiddle you provide is the correct behavior, is my understanding correct?

Exactly, below I embed the recording of how it works in v3 and later (the expected behavior).

Thanks so much, @piotr.laszczkowski. :+1: