Type error in ionic

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f136074c028> #<Tag:0x00007f1360753b98>

I want to use handsontable in an Ionic React app.

When I render the component from the getting started page inside an Ionic component, it does render, but I get a type error in the console:

@handsontable_react.js?v=14ff7dc7:10310 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'view')
    at @handsontable_react.js?v=14ff7dc7:10310:18
    at chunk-IDLIUQ2V.js?v=14ff7dc7:12854:9
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at IntersectionObserver.root (chunk-IDLIUQ2V.js?v=14ff7dc7:12852:13)

Here is an example on StackBlitz (this renders briefly and then shows an error over the ui. in my browser the ui looks fine and the error is in the console.)

I saw a post from 2017 that HandonTable does not work in Ionic. Is that still true? Is that the issue here?

Hi @riese.matt

Yes, that’s still valid, and we don’t support Ionic framework.