Unable to use prototype extensions with version 7.1.1?

How do you do?
I have been using Handsontable[“Core”].prototype.xxx=function(){} to extend my custom method.

 Handsontable["Core"].prototype.updateCellsData = function (datas) {

When I update to 7.1.1, it prompts me for invalid methods,
I can’t see my custom methods from the console.
But in the previous version, he worked.




We’ve fixed a problem where Core was exposed as a reference and couldn’t be initialized properly without private settings. It’s now wrapped in another function call: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/blob/master/src/index.js#L50 I’m sorry that this creates problem for you, modifying the prototype chain isn’t the most backward compatible solution.

Kind regards,

Thank you for your support and keep me on top of it now.

Can you tell me how to continue this quote or something like that with a small amount of modification?

How do I continue using this Core to continue injecting my method.

Maybe you can attach your methods Handsontable instance, after it was created with new Handsontable or Handsontable.Core methods?

I really advice against extending prototypes. The best way to keep it compatible with further releases would be to create a helper class with your methods or create a wrapper class that has Handsontable and the methods you have created.