updateSettings::mergeCells very slow

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b18c5b840>

We have a table with approx. 5000 rows and 50 cols. Some cells should merged. After ajax and


I start a function that build the mergeCells-array. I can merge one col, but after try to merge two cols the browser runs into anr.

Here the code snippet for generating array and start merging.

function mergeCells(hot, groupby, fields) {
        var Nrs = {};
        let lastNr, mergeCells = [];
        hot.getDataAtProp(groupby).forEach(function (g, i) {
            if (lastNr === g) {
                if (!!Nrs[g]) {
                } else {
                    Nrs[g] = {
                        "row": i - 1,
                        "rowspan": 2
            } else lastNr = g;
        // convert "a,b" into [1,2]
        const cols = fields.split(',').map(function (prop) {
            return hot.propToCol(prop);
        cols.forEach(function (col) {
            Object.keys(Nrs).forEach(function (h) {
                    row: Nrs[h].row,
                    col: col,
                    rowspan: Nrs[h].rowspan,
                    colspan: 1
            mergeCells: mergeCells,


  mergeCells(hot, "group","group,firstname,city,address") {

How can I avoid the anr?

Hi @Knoeterich

The following method seems to work fine https://jsfiddle.net/5fvueLy9/
Maybe it a matter of some columns being loaded between the columns that are defined in the method? Or there are some other settings that interact with the table.

Thanks for quick answer. in my app after all the ajax request will started and after loaddata() with it the merge will started. I guess in this moment this is the only action on table.
Your code on jsfiddl freezes the app. This my dirty (but working) solution:

const mergerPlugin = hot.getPlugin('MergeCells');
cols.forEach(function (col) {
            Object.keys(Nrs).forEach(function (h, i) {
                const mc = {
                    row: Nrs[h].row,
                    col: col,
                    rowspan: Nrs[h].rowspan,
                    colspan: 1
                setTimeout(function () {
                    mergerPlugin.merge(mc.row, mc.col, mc.row + mc.rowspan - 1, mc.col + mc.colspan - 1);
                }, i * 50);

These little pauses gives the app time to breath :slight_smile:

Ou… that should not happen and it works well on my Chrome 91/Windows 10.


But I can image that with more rows/columns it might get heavy for the browser.