Hi, I want to use multiple renderers in my app. I have one renderer, that is a custom one, since I can insert mathjax formulas I am using it to render the formulas. Now I also want to implement currency format into my app, but since I do not want to make custom renderer for that, I want to use numeric renderer that is already implemented in library, to use numericFormat, and patterns.
This is my code:
_columns(handsontableOptions) {
const toolTipFunction = this.getTooltipFunction();
const renderer = (tableInstance, td, rowIndex, columnIndex, prop, value) => {
// Content section
// To prevent content of cells to cause overflow we need to provide
// container that would limit display of long text lines
const customContent = document.createElement('div');
const latexRegex = /\${2}(.*?)\${2}/;
const hasLatex = latexRegex.test(value);
if (value) {
// Only render MathJax cells if it is initialized and the custom value is a string with MathML code.
if (window.MathJax && typeof value === 'string') {
if (window.MathJax.mathml2svg && value.includes('<math')) {
try {
const equationSvg = window.MathJax.mathml2svg(value);
} catch (e) {
// Fallback if mathml2svg fails, ex. given value is not mathml.
customContent.innerHTML = value;
} else if (window.MathJax.tex2svg && hasLatex) {
try {
const equationSvg = window.MathJax.tex2svg(value.replaceAll('$', ''));
} catch (e) {
// Fallback if tex2svg fails, ex. given value is not latex.
customContent.innerHTML = value;
} else {
customContent.innerHTML = value;
} else {
customContent.innerHTML = value;
td.innerHTML = '';
toolTipFunction(td, customContent, rowIndex, columnIndex);
// Assure that all rows have heights set
this._handleRowHeight(td.parentElement, rowIndex);
handsontableOptions.columns = this.columnsOrder.map(columnId => ({
data: columnId,
className: 'htMiddle',