Validations in Table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6b4cc3e0> #<Tag:0x00007efc6b4d9d10>

Hi Team,

We are using Angular 17 and handsontable 14.0.1. We want to implement validation on consecutive rows on same column and highlight the invalid row with Red Border. Please find the below example.


In the Above Column1, we need to enter values in increasing order. If the value of row2 is less than row1, then we need to highlight the row2 cell as red.(Border highlighted in red). Kindly let us know if we can achieve it using any hooks.

Vijay V

Hi @vijayvelchamy.v

In this case you can implement conditional formatting. We have an example in the documentation:

In the second custom renderer you can see how the conditions are checked and styling applied accordingly. You can modify it to match your requirements regarding the conditions.