Vue 3 columns renderer

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc65498c30> #<Tag:0x00007efc65498af0>

Hello I am using hot grid for VUE 3 JS

I need to add custom render for multiple ‘text’ columns in my grid, but I need this renderer to be the global default renderer for every ‘text’ column is there any way to this the “right” way.
And if there is a proper way to set default render for all text columns, how the overriding happens.

Thanks in advance

Hi @emo_bmx

In Handsontable we have a cascading configuration. You can read about it here

Basically what we do is, for most of the options (renderer included) we allow to configure them on 3 levels

  • table (main instance settings)
  • columns (columns settings)
  • cells (cell and cells settings)

now the more specific the target is the more power it gets. So if you set, for example, readOnly: true for the whole table, you can pass the readOnly: false for a specific column via columns and that could would work differently.

Now, if you have a complex range of columns you may want to use the table renderer and then alter other columns via columns settings.

If you could share more details about the column types and needed renderers I can help you to create such a structure.