Which NPM packages are compatible with Angular10?

When I thought I am done with my feature, it turns out that I am affected by

which means I cannot build prod application using HOT :slight_smile:

Issue states that downgrading to 8.2 should solve the problem. The thing is I dont see such package avaliable on NPM.

only 8.4.0. So which of the NPM available packages will fix mentioned issue? I cannot upgrade angular to 11 right now.

Hi @sebastian.choina

In the next version, we will get rid of a couple of regressions (those for the newest versions). So I believe that the next sprint after that will include a fix for this regression. I will keep you updated about that.

When it comes to Handsontable v8.2.0 it was using the Handsontable for Angular wrapper version 6.x. Hereโ€™s a demo for test with all the resources https://jsfiddle.net/e7zdkgwr/2/

I will stay tuned regarding wrapper updates. In the meanwhile, I have removed wrapper completely (and all angular related HOT modules/components) and end up using HOT as plain JS implementation. I had no meaningfull gain with using wrapper anyway as all it was is

<hot-table [settings]='settings' [hotId]='hotId'></hot-table>

What I have lost is strict type control. It would be nice if you would publish typescript typings as separate package like depracated @types/handsontable. In order to stay compatible and do not change a lot of the code I have stubbed some of HOT classes to relax typescript compiler.

Thank you for your feedback. I have shared that with the team.

Hi @sebastian.choina

we just updated the topic at https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/7577
Please leave your comment or send me a message at support@handosntable.com if you have any additional questions.