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Does hyperformulaInstance.rebuildAndRecalculate() fire any hook in Handsontable? 5 24 June 2024
[GH #1863] How can we enable horizontal scrollbar in the filter when the content is too long 5 19 June 2024
[GH-DEV1934] When inserting rows or columns with borders set 4 19 June 2024
Set up formula (hyperformula) in columns settings 5 17 June 2024
[GH #722] How to stop an invalid cell error state resetting when a parent component rerenders or state is updated in React 6 14 June 2024
How can I export (as CSV) updated formula references after column move? 6 1 July 2024
Count all rows in dataset 5 12 June 2024
How can I see updated formula references after column move? 5 12 June 2024
Cells Styling 3 1 July 2024
outsideClickDeselects and CSS display triggers whole table to be rendered 10 11 June 2024
Time sorting (time of day) 6 11 June 2024
[GH #1719] The formulas configuration affects adding and deleting columns in the table 2 11 June 2024
Is filtering by Year and Month an option? 5 10 June 2024
How to set manualColumnResize to a specific column 5 7 June 2024
Reduce height of row with large data 5 1 July 2024
I have the same scenario. I have no clue how to fix it 4 1 July 2024
Autocomplete column, not visible 7 1 July 2024
PluginHooks 5 1 July 2024
Col Width Resizing 9 6 June 2024
How can I make startRows and startCols effective? 3 1 July 2024
Paste Data to Selected Range Cells 5 5 June 2024
Adding rows in object type data with non-displayed columns 5 5 June 2024
Dropdown menu showing ids instead of looked up values 3 1 July 2024
Show dropdown options on top 5 1 July 2024
Strips Even Rows, Some Columns Being Ignored 5 29 May 2024
How can I get column index after clicking on column border 7 27 May 2024
What is the best way to create nested tables? 5 6 June 2024
[GH-DEV #1567] How to restrict column resizing 21 21 May 2024
Is it possible to always show horizontal/vertical scroll bar 5 6 June 2024
How to reduce the initial loading time of a large number of HOT instances? All instances are linked with HyperFormula 5 6 June 2024